Fertilizer Industry in Vietnam
- Total fertilizer consumption around 12 million MT
- Domestic urea consumption around 2.7 million MT
- Domestic urea production around 2.2 million MT from 4 plants all owned by the government of Vietnam
- Domestic NPK consumption 3.1 million MT of which 90% domestic production and 10% imports. About 2.8 million MT NPK compound and 300 KT BB
- On average around 500 KT of urea imported
- Annual AS import around 1 million MT – all from China
- DAP imports from China used to be around 800 KT per annum – however, Vietnam has imposed a most recent defensive tax of USD 82 PMT which includes China thus no imports of DAP from China anymore
- There are about 10 major importers of fertilizers in Vietnam – and the Mekong Delta in the south of Vietnam is the largest consumer of fertilzers